Ali's 12-Week Body Transformation Journey with Fortius Dubai

At Fortius Dubai, our trainers are committed to excellence, and once again, we receive another client success story as an example of how effective our body transformation programs are!

12 Week Body Transformation Program Results

In just 12 weeks, Ali gained muscle mass while dropping a significant amount of fat and increasing the size of his chest, biceps, and thighs while reducing waist size!

Resistance Training Basics That Work!

With just three weekly workouts with our personal trainers, Mr Ali managed to get into the best shape of his life! Training program consisted of upper vs lower body splits, with a 2x weekly focus on upper buddy versus lower body, which we trained hard once a week! We trained lower body only once a week because of the increased daily cardio and step count that Mister Ali was doing, which frequently exceeded 10000 steps daily.

During the upper body split, we were hitting each large muscle group with 4-6 working sets; review the sample workout below:

Upper Body Weight Training Program To Drop Body Fat and Build Muscle

Read more about our other clients amazing body transformation stories:

Nutritional advice that mister Ali followed during the 12 weeks body transformation program!

  • Maintenance Calories

  • Target Protein 2 grams per kilogram of bodyweight

  • Target Fats 1 gram per kilogram of bodyweight

  • Carbs whatever calories are remaining

  • Whole Foods, no processed stuff

Client Testimonial

"How Fortius Dubai personal trainers helped me reach my physique goals was impressive! I initially managed to lose a significant amount of weight on my own, I believe around 15 kilograms, however I was not satisfied with my physique as my muscle mass was very low. I had very little experience with weight training, and my weight loss came simply just from doing a lot of cardio and cleaning up my nutrition, so I figured out I need a proper fitness program to help me with muscle building, as well as someone who could hold me accountable and ensure I push my physical limits. That's when I reached to Fortius Dubai and started working with coach Milos. The training regime was simple, I was for the first time in my life introduced to progressive overload as well as nutrition facts like carbs do not make you fat, energy balance, calories in vs calories out and other scientific terms which coach Milos explained exceptionally well and which are allowing me to ensure I am on the right track to get the body shape I always wanted. He also helped me understand the limitations when it comes to our natural potential to gain muscle and helped me take a more prolonged and sustainable approach to fitness. I also learned about the importance of getting stronger in the gym and challenging myself. I really enjoyed my journey with Fortius Dubai, and definitely recommend them to anyone who is looking for fat loss, weight loss and wants to build muscle the right way." - Ali

Read more about Ahmed's fantastic weight loss journey!

Find out why you should consider our 12 week body transformation program!

Apart from losing weight, increasing muscle mass and getting amazing results in terms of physique, strength gains and overall improvement in health you will also build healthy habits that will help you stay consistent after the program. You will greatly increase your self confidence, while getting in the best shape of your life. You will learn how to build a diet plan on your own and train on your own so that you can independently manage your fitness journey!

To learn more about our 12 week body transformation program, click here!

12 Week Body Transformation Program - Weight Training Program

To learn more about our clients success stories, click here!

Body Transformation Results - Personal Training Dubai

If you want to find out more about how we can help you reach your objectives book your FREE consultation today!

Common Questions and Answers

Do you offer a nutrition plan in you 12 week body transformation programs?

Yes we have options of curating nutrition plans for your specific needs, as well as the option to set you up with a meal prep company that will delivers meals to your desired location.

Does your 12 week body transformation program include gym membership?

Gym membership is payed separately, depending on the gym you opt for. We cover multiple locations across Dubai, with our central location being Train Strength and Fitness in Al Quoz.

Does your program include high intensity interval training?

HIIT is only introduced in limited amounts if your personal trainer assesses that it will benefit your fitness journey and help you reach your fitness objectives faster.

Can I lose 15 kilograms in 12 weeks?

To lose weight you will have to be in a caloric deficit, which means consume less calories than you burn each day. Depending on your current size, percentage of fat vs lean muscle and the amount of physical activity you can commit to we can do an assessment an give you the most realistic weight loss outcome in 12 weeks. To answer your question more directly, we have had people that have lost 10-15 kilograms in 12 weeks with our body transformation programs.

To find out more about our services, check out:

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