Joey Ghazal's 10-Week Body Transformation with Fortius Dubai Personal Training

How He Overcame Busy Lifestyle Challenges for a Perfect Model Body!

Joey Ghazal | Maine Dubai | Entrepreneur and Restaurant owner

Joey Ghazal is a busy entrepreneur and multiple restaurant owner who, at the age of 41, decided to undertake a 10-week body transformation challenge with Fortius Dubai Personal Trainers. Despite his busy lifestyle, Joey was able to stick to his training schedule and achieve impressive results. In this blog post, we will look at how Joey overcame some common lifestyle challenges to achieve his goals.

As someone who genuinely enjoys training, Joey never struggled to find time for his workouts; however, he was often let down by his diet. "I would be training hard several times a week, but my diet was all over the place, and I wasn't seeing the results I wanted," Joey explains. "As a restaurant owner, taking part in social events is almost daily. Tasting new foods every couple of weeks to see what can be added to our menus also happens every couple of weeks. I struggled to get the right nutrients my body needed without exceeding the total daily calories."

Struggling to make the right food choices is a familiar scenario for most. We can train consistently, but if our diet is not on point, we will not reach our goals. Fortunately, Joey had the support of an excellent doctor who could prescribe supplementation based on his blood work. The combination of training and proper nutrition helped Joey to achieve his incredible 10-week transformation.

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Ultimately the two most essential things for fat loss and muscle building are the total caloric and protein intake. In contrast, things like meal timings, protein portions, meal frequency, and carb cycling are all tools that can be used to manipulate those two key variables.

Some of the significant dietary changes Joey made to achieve his incredible results were that he allocated most of his calories to his evening meal. At the same time, he ensured that he would keep his calories low while getting a sufficient amount of protein in the first part of the day. There were days when he would have just 1000 calories for the first part of the day to have another 1000-1500 calories for dinner and still be able to build muscle and lose fat.

At Fortius Dubai, we curate a personalized personal training program for every client! Each person has different health and fitness goals and starting point that makes them unique and unsuitable for a generic fitness approach! 

Our fitness programs will help you burn body fat, increase lean muscle and get into the best shape of your life! 

Some of the significant dietary changes Joey made to achieve his incredible results were that he allocated most of his calories for his evening meal. At the same time, he ensured that he would keep his calories low while getting a sufficient amount of protein in the first part of the day. There were days when he would have just 1000 calories for the first part of the day to have another 1000-1500 calories for dinner and still be able to build muscle and lose fat.

10-Week Body Transformation with Fortius Personal Training Business

If you want to see more from our client's transformation stories, check out our client success stories page!

Joey's 10-week transformation was not only physical but also mental. "The biggest challenge for me was the mental side," Joey says. "There were days when I would be so tired and just wanted to eat whatever I wanted, but I had to keep reminding myself of my goals and why I was doing this."

It is often said that the body achieves what the mind believes. If we can stay focused on our goals and keep our eye on the prize, anything is possible.

If you are inspired by Joey's story and would like to achieve similar results, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be more than happy to help you achieve your goals.

Book your FREE strategy call and get your own dedicated personal trainer to guide you on your fitness journey!

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