4 Week Body Transformation Program with Fortius Personal Training

How to Get Buffed, Chiseled, and Ripped Again With The Help of a Personal Trainer!

Best Personal Trainer Result | Body Transformation Program

When Basil joined Fortius Dubai personal trainers for his transformation, he was unfit and had taken more than a 6-month break from training. His fitness and physique had suffered due to his break and diet rich in processed foods. Desserts were a daily thing for Basil. His protein intake was insufficient to maintain his muscle mass, resulting in him losing weight and muscle and putting on a significant amount of fat. Basil was not happy with his skinny fat look and wanted to reduce body fat while gaining muscle simultaneously. He also wanted to improve his cardiovascular health and energy levels and opted for personal training with Fortius Dubai.

Our Head Personal Trainer Milos knew from the data collected through our client questionnaire that Basil was the perfect fit for a fantastic physique transformation. As Basil had previous training experience and has himself been through a few body transformations, he was the ideal candidate to achieve something great quickly.

Best Personal Trainers in Dubai

If you plan to embark on a body transformation journey, know that it is not easy. You will most certainly miss some sessions, fail your diet but please understand that it is all a part of the process, and as long as you are ready to do the work, you will succeed!

A successful fitness journey is never easy, but with the proper guidance from our world-class team, you will undoubtedly get into the best shape of your life!

At Fortius Dubai, your workout program and nutrition plan are always curated by following the latest information in the sports science community! We don't just give promises; we achieve results!

Common questions and answers about the personal training process in Fortius and Basil's fitness journey!

What happens when you work hard for a while but then take a long break?

After a long break from training, the muscles become re-sensitized, which in addition to your muscle memory, makes you prone to making some significant newbie gains. Your chances of achieving fat loss while increasing your muscle mass are higher than someone who has been exercising for years without substantial breaks in training.

What actions did Basil take to achieve his results?

The first and most crucial thing Basil did was that he got a certified personal trainer with a proven track record of achieving client results! Basil then committed to doing four weekly sessions, which comprised weight training and cardio workouts, and made significant changes in his diet. He did not count the number of calories or the exact macro split, but he consciously decided to reduce his sugar and fat intake while increasing the amount of protein he ate. Another critical element in his success was regulating his eating patterns and following a stricter eating schedule and meal frequency than in the past 6-8 months.

He did not miss a single session during his 4-week personal training program, and only because of this consistency was he able to get rid of excess body fat while putting on lean muscle tissue and growing.

He worked hard, followed every instruction from his personal trainer, and prioritized his training regiment over other things during this period. His program was a mix of strength training and high-intensity work, and his body reacted incredibly well to the stimulus. Basil also had a high tolerance to pain and was able to push beyond what most regular gymgoers would be able to do. In the end, he not only looked better but felt better as well. Basil reduced his body fat percentage by approximately 5%, putting on 2.5kg body weight. That is an incredible achievement in such a short time!

What actions can you take to achieve your body transformation?

If you are looking for weight loss, want to reduce belly fat, improve your health, or get stronger. If you are based in Dubai and want to work with our personal trainers in person, check out our personal training page.

We can not guarantee that you will achieve the same result as Basil in such a short time frame. Still, we can ensure that we will optimize your weight loss or any other goal you might have by following a science-based approach to personal training and online training. 

With your own dedicated personal trainer you will get rid of unwanted body fat and achieve muscle gain in a matter of weeks!

If you are looking for a FREE solution to getting Fit, check out our FREE FITNESS APP

Start Your Body Transformation Journey Today With Fortius Personal Trainers in Dubai!

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