16-Week Body Transformation Program

From Heart Attack to 16 Kilograms Lost in Under 4 Months with Fortius Personal Trainers in Dubai

My weight loss journey was not an easy one. In my early thirties, I had my first heart attack and needed to change how I ate, what I ate, and the amount of exercise I got if I wanted to live a long and productive life. With the help of personal trainer Milos, I achieved almost all my fitness goals! He helped me with all three aspects of weight loss: food, fitness, and mental health. It took us 8-10 months of personal training to prepare my body for their bespoke body transformation program! Initially, we had to carefully progress the workouts and monitor my health and heart rate. It also took me a while to get used to waking up at 7 am to be at the gym at 7:30 am, which I never even thought was possible! My fitness journey had its ups and downs, but thanks to Fortius expert personal trainers and head coach Milos, I never quit and got results despite my very busy lifestyle!

After that initial stage of personal training, I was finally ready to do the work necessary to get the results I always wanted. I consistently did three weekly hypertrophy and strength training sessions and independently performed at least three 30-minute cardio sessions. What helped the most was that I accepted that I needed to track my food more closely, resulting in a staggering 16 kilograms lost in under sixteen weeks! I benefited greatly from my trainer's advice and MyFitnessPal, a fantastic app that helps you track your food intake. I highly recommend that everyone uses this app for at least the initial 4-8 weeks of their transformation program, as it will teach you a lot about understanding calories and individual macros like protein, carbs, and fats. You will also understand that some foods are not worth consuming due to their extremely high caloric content.

What helped a lot was the inspiration I got once I joined the commercial gym where Fortius personal trainers operate. Compared to my local gym, this was a top-of-the-art fitness facility! We mainly focused on muscle-building training and combined it with steady-state cardio workouts.

What I loved the most about the process was that my personal trainer was very patient and flexible. I needed that, especially at the beginning of my training journey. I was not in the best shape (to put it nicely), and I was not consistent. I know for sure that if he had a different attitude, I would have most probably quit before I managed to reach the results I did!

Best Personal Trainer for Weight Loss in Dubai

I had the pleasure to work with Yazan personally. As he mentioned, our personal training journey did have its ups and downs. Sometimes as a trainer, no matter how much you love your job, you can get a bit discouraged when your clients are not doing the needed work to reach their health and fitness goals. However, you should never allow that to impact the service level you provide to your customer! You can always try a different approach and better communicate with them what your expectations are and what they need to do to reach their fitness goals. Try also to understand that most people in Dubai have busy lives, and a strict fitness regime might not be their top priority! That's why you need to adapt to every individual to get the most out of them; only in that way can you achieve maximum results!

Personal Training Client - Yazan & Milos

Each client will have their own dedicated personal trainer available 24/7 to provide training plans and nutrition guidance. It will inspire and motivate them to ensure they become the best version of themselves and live happier life! Clients will eventually achieve their fitness goals, whether body sculpting, weight loss, muscle building, or any other goal, as long we tick all the boxes mentioned above!

One more thing that I would mention that is so vital and might be the most important thing about anyone's body transformation journey is that when you work with Foritus, you learn the process inside out. They share all the knowledge they have with you so you can be successful even after you stop working with them!

Body Transformation Program with Dubai Personal Trainers

If you plan to embark on a body transformation journey, know that it is not easy. You will most certainly miss some sessions, fail your diet but please understand that it is all a part of the process, and as long as you are ready to do the work, you will succeed!

It might take you a few months to get there, but it is well worth the effort and time spent! I can honestly say that weight loss has been one of the best things in my life and if you are looking for ways to lose weight fast and remain healthy and keep it off, then I highly recommend that you work with Fortius.

Questions you should ask a personal trainer before deciding to work with them? 

For how long have you been doing personal training?

If your personal trainer has less than one year of experience helping clients reach their goals, you might wanna consider getting someone more experienced.

Always ask personal trainers what certifications they have?

Always aim for someone with a Bachelor's degree in Sports Science or Exercise Science. If they do not have a single certificate, do not work with them. Also, make sure they specialize in the type of training you need, specific to your fitness goal! Some trainers are better at strength training, while others might be better at fat loss and body transformations, others might specialize in sports training, etc.

Do not hesitate to ask personal trainers to provide you with their clients testimonials and transformation results!

Naturally, when someone is longer in the fitness industry, they will have more transformations. That does not necessarily make them an expert personal trainers. However, if the fitness trainers you are interviewing have no results, you might be better off working with someone with a proven track record. You can find lots of personal trainers in Dubai with fantastic client results!

 Feel free to ask the personal trainers in what time frame you can achieve the desired results, whether your goal is to lose 10 kilograms or gain muscle, or perhaps prep for a marathon 

Personal trainers should be able to tell you realistically in what time frame you should be able to reach your fitness goals. Scientifically it is well established how much muscle gain can be achieved in a month with an optimized diet and training plan. When the goal is to lose fat, it is more challenging to put an exact number, primarily due to client adherence. Still, an expectation of 500gm to 1kg a week is realistic and sustainable, unlike rapid weight loss of 2 or more kilograms per week.

Make sure you ask personal trainers what their cancellation policy and expectations are from you! 

That will help you know which trainers are more flexible with their schedule, payment processes, etc. However, please also understand that being too relaxed might not benefit you! To achieve amazing results, whether you want to build muscle, gain weight, or the exact opposite, you must adhere to the fitness plan. You will have to stick to your diet plan, adjust your lifestyle, and have consistency. That's why we recommend that you do not shy away from trainers with strict policies if you want to succeed on your fitness journey! If you are ready for a change, join our world-class team of male and female personal trainers today!

Start Your Transformation Journey Today With Fortius Personal Training

Stay Strong #BeFortius

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